• Recruitment
  • Compensation & Benefits
  • Training & Development
  • Employee Assistance Program
  • Human Resources

Human Resource Measures

PDC follows the Responsible Business Alliance (RBA) Code of Conduct and complies with labor and gender equality regulations in its operational location. The company formulates policies to safeguard human rights and labor practices and publicly communicates them to all employees, fostering a mutually beneficial and prosperous working environment. Since its establishment, the company has not been involved in any cases related to discrimination, indigenous rights, or human rights complaints through formal mechanisms, and it has not undergone any human rights review and impact assessment.

Human Resources

  • Human Resource Planning, Recruitment, and Deployment

In order to find the most suitable talents, our company adheres to the principles of fairness and reasonableness in treating all employees. Our HR management ensures a balance between institutionalization and humanization, strictly prohibiting child labor and forced labor. In matters of recruitment, compensation, training, promotion, termination, and retirement, we never discriminate based on race, social class, gender, age, physical or mental disabilities, ethnicity, religion, political orientation, or pregnancy. We actively promote gender equality in the workplace, implementing various policies and measures to prevent and address sexual harassment, and fostering a gender-equal working environment.

  • Training & Development

We offer a diverse range of professional courses to enhance employees' technical skills, abilities, knowledge, attitudes, and other essential learning needed to carry out their work effectively. Regardless of the type of position, our training programs provide excellent learning opportunities, preparing individuals for new challenges. Our resources cover seventeen major categories of professional skills.

  • Salary & Benefits

Our company places great importance on the consistency and fairness of salary operations and management. Each employee's educational background, expertise, and professional experience are taken into account as the basis for salary adjustments. We also conduct regular salary adjustments in line with basic wage adjustments and external salary surveys. Exceptional employees have the opportunity for promotion and advancement. Additionally, we design incentive bonus systems based on local laws, industry practices, and the operational performance of each subsidiary, encouraging employees to grow together with the company.

  • Retirement System

We have established a retirement system in accordance with relevant provisions of the Labor Standards Act. The "Labor Retirement Reserve Supervisory Committee" is responsible for monitoring the allocation of retirement reserves and reviewing retirement applications. For employees eligible for the Labor Retirement Pension Act, the company allocates no less than six percent of the retirement pension to each individual's retirement account. Employees may also voluntarily contribute a percentage of their salary to their personal accounts at the Labor Insurance Bureau, with the monthly allocation clearly indicated on their salary statements for transparency and verification.

  • Employee Relations & Communication

We establish effective communication channels (departmental meetings, bulletin boards, suggestion boxes, online announcements, etc.) to promote mutual understanding between labor and management. This facilitates the efficient pursuit of common goals by all employees. We ensure that employees understand the company's vision, objectives, and direction, aligning individual goals with the company's for mutually beneficial outcomes.

  • Work Environment

As a commitment to employee safety, we prioritize providing a safe and hygienic work environment. In addition to offering a safe environment, we enhance employees' knowledge and skills in safety and health to prevent workplace accidents and incidents.

  • Corporate Social Responsibility

With the belief in sustainable development, our company not only strives for professional and technological advancement but also actively engages in charitable activities through the "Sin Chang Cihui Society." We lead employees in participating in aid for disadvantaged groups and disaster relief, fostering their recognition of corporate philanthropy. We aspire to contribute to society and work together for a better and friendlier environment through Sin Chang Electronics' contributions.
